Western Tanager 3D Hand Painted Earrings

Regular price $25.00

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Here is my Western Tanager. The earring hooks are nickel free and hand painted your pair will look slightly different from the picture
These earrings are made with the following materials
• Nylon plastic For The 3d Printed Base
• Acrylic paints
• Modpodge For Sealer
• The Earring Hooks Are Nickle Free
• Silicone tips so you do not lose them once you get your pair
These guys are about 1.375 long and about a 5/16 thick.
Even with the relatively large size they are so light you will forget they are even there. These guys are a seasonal bird here in the pacific north west that we get in the summer and they leave for our winter. I can usually find them in a wooded areas up in the mountains other than when migrating though.
These earrings are hand painted so each piece is different but similar. Order your own unique Western Tanagers today.